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Hugging Hurt


On and off my whole life I have played with clay. For real. I love to make clay creatures. These clay creatures I have named, over years, "Hugs." These little round creatures look like nothing "real" and are cute to the young crowd and to those of us still hanging on to childhood.


I have never been much of a hugger. However, I recognize the importance of hugging. I guess, and maybe my therapist would agree, that the clay "Hugs" are my "remake" of real hugs. 


Since treatment in 2016, I hug friends, hug kids (a lot), hug anyone who has big tears (I mentally try and take their tears). Hugs help hurt and I love that they do.


Before beginning to write this blog post I googled "hug."


Immediately the benefits of hugging come up, including: improved mental health, deepened relationships and a serotonin release. The longer the hug the greater the benefit. Sounds great, doesn't it? 


But wait, there is a population of people that find hugs hard. I am one of them. Before treatment, hugs could go from making me sick to my stomach to wanting to run. 


There are those that like hugs and those that don't. In treatment, we were taught to ask everyone if it was ok to hug prior to any hug. I loved that. Because each of us have a different life journey that leads to "huggers" or "no huggers."


So for those who can get mood boosts, increase in self esteem, feeling of safety and happiness from hugs, that’s great. It appears from research that it can help basically everything in one's life. 


And for those who do not get the same benefits from human hugs, don't worry, there are many experiences and things that can have the same benefits. For example: pets, plants, weighted blankets, dance, mindful walking can all give us the same benefits.


Despite being a no-hugger, I will continue to hug hurt, hug friends, hug kids and make "Hugs."


Seems it can benefit basically everything in life.


To hugging hurt, Christina


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