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If Briefly


I am in my late 50s. 

For me at 15, that was OLD. 

For me at 25, that was OLD. 

Even at 35, I could not conceive of 50.

Actually never thought I would make it. But here I am and evidence says I made the half century mark, semi sound in mind and body.

From this vantage point, seems all things in life are brief.

How we hold on to them, is not. 

Ten years go by in a blink of an eye and conversely, a day may seem like it is taking forever. We trudge through tasks, work, or school with the feeling that it will never end. Inevitably the task, work or school day wraps up and the day is stored, vaguely or strongly in our minds and bodies.

Brief experiences, both positive and negative, are compiled, processed and stored within us. 

And brief experiences happen ALL the time.

Think back to the happiest experience you had in the last week. When you think about it, what do you feel? Those feelings are what makes that experience stick in us. 

And what about the saddest experience you had this week. Do you hold that? And if you don't, how do you let it go?

I am tarnished by trauma. I would guess all of us are. But we are also built for resilience. And we can grow by helping, not hurting.

So however brief our time is and however long it seems to take, remember this: brief moments are everything to us all.

Let us help others in brief moments.

If briefly, we can help others find healing.

If briefly, we can teach courage, gratitude, forgiveness and compassion

If briefly, we can positively touch or impact someone

If briefly, babes are born thing you know, they are grown

If briefly, we weather storms

If briefly, we say hello and say good bye

What do you do with "If Briefly"?

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